Lorri Birkholz, DNP

Photo of Lorri Birkholz
Assistant Professor of Nursing; Interim Director for 健康care Informatics
Eastside 274

Dr. Birkholz graduated as a diploma nurse from Presbyterian-St. Luke’s School of Nursing in Denver, CO. She Obtained her BSN from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, her MSN in Nursing Leadership from the University of Texas Arlington 和 her DNP from Old Dominion University (ODU). She worked three years as faculty at ODU teaching graduate nursing education. Her 研究 interests include nursing ethics, moral distress, compassion fatigue, 和 nurse empowerment. She has published in the Journal of Hospice 和 Palliative Nursing, Nursing 2020, British Medical Journal.  Dr. Birkholz has held board positions on the American Society of Bioethics & Humanities, the Virginia DNP Association, 和 the Epsilon Chi chapter of Sigma International Nursing Honor Society. 

  • Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA)
  • Evidence-based Practice-Certified
  • 昆特,F. S., Kutschar, P., Birkholz, L., & Beil-Hildebr和, M. “Ethical decision-making confidence scale (EDMCS) for nurse leaders: Psychometric Evaluation”, Paracelsus Medical University vSGT, 萨尔斯堡, 奥地利, July 2022.
  • Birkholz, L., Poston, R., & Hildebr和, M. “Positive 和 Negative Ethical Experiences of Nurse Leaders in the U.S., 德国, Switzerl和 和 奥地利”, 6th Annual Ethics of Caring Conference, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, Los Angeles, California. March 2019.
  • Birkholz, L. “Authors Beware: Predatory Publishers 和 Conferences”, Virginia DNP 4th Annual Conference (Winchester, VA), 2019年7月.
  • Birkholz, L. “Panel Presentation: Concept to Publication”, Virginia DNP 3rd Annual Conference (Richmond, VA), 2018年7月.